Los Angeles Skyline
Photo by Brad Rickerby
Limited Edition Prints Available
Sometimes you have to get uncomfortable to get a picture. To get this image I had to set up a the camera on a tripod about a foot off the sidewalk. One leg of the tripod was in the road. I was sitting on the curb, cable release in hand, trying to straddle the tripod and look through the viewfinder at the same time. I am not a small guy. It was, uncomfortable. But I got the shot I wanted and thats what matter.
I knew this would be another boring Los Angeles skyline unless I did something. And it was after dark, so all the wonderful light of dusk was not there to help me out. I've always used car tail lights to add interest to images, but very few cars were passing by. Then along came a bus. I had the camera already set for a timed exposure. So i fired the remote just as the bus entered the frame. It was about a five second exposure and the bus lights filled the frame wonderfully. I had a great shot of a well photographed subject, and my image was new and different. The colors add so much interest and excitement. They catch your eye, grabbing your attention (which is just what an advertiser is going to want in an image). The bus lights also lead your eye into the city.
This picture was created with a 24 mm lens from a low angle. It was exposed for 5 seconds at f 16, ISO 100.
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