Thursday, March 3, 2011

Limited Edition Fine Art Photography by Brad Rickerby - Ocean Sunset

Ocean Sunset
Photo by Brad Rickerby
Limited Edition Prints Available

I ask you, does this one look like a photograph? It looks more like a painting to me. I can't tell you how pleased I am that it looks so much like a painting. It is a look I strive for all the time, to make a photograph painterly, even to the point where you can't tell the difference.

This image was created at Newport Beach, California, looking west over the Pacific Ocean at Sunset. To create this image required two things, a slow shutter speed and the willingness to get my feet wet. I suppose if I were a fanatic about dry feet I could have used a telephoto lens. But for me, the image seems more earned if it is hard fought for (like by getting my feet wet, well, you get the idea.) Besides I didn't want the compression that comes with a telephoto and I wanted a lower angle to set the sky into the higher part of the image. (Making the sky higher in the frame is a great compositional tool by the way.)

I used a 35 mm lens set at about 1/4 of a second. Any longer on the exposure and the waves will smooth out. You would still get great colors, but I wanted some of the chop of the sea to show. I was on a tripod, although with an image like this you could hand hold.

Just so you know, Getty markets this image for me. To the best of my knowledge, it has never sold. That doesn't mean it is a bad picture. That means that it is in the wrong marketplace.

If you are interested in a limited edition copy of this image, please contact me at

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